Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I wrote a poem. No, I didn't find it, I actually wrote it. See what the dual influences of festivity (NATIONAL POETRY MOOOOOOOONTH) and Tyler Gobble did to me? What they did to you, even. 

The suffering will commence:

Fuck Yeah, Anaphora!
By Ben Rogers

This is a poem which is a poem,
This is a poem which uses anaphora like no one’s business,
This is a poem which is lacking in narrative,
This is a poem which contains a sly pop culture reference,
This is a poem which will tell you to have a good night and mean it,
This is a poem which is sentimental but don’t worry there is at least one dick joke,
This is a poem which forgot what anaphora is,
This is a poem which says something ironic,
This is a poem which makes me unhappy,
This is a poem which I ripped from someone else’s journal,
This is a poem which deals with my mother’s death,
This is a poem which just wants to fucking sleep in,
This is a poem which deals with how difficult poems are,
This is a poem which will seriously make a dick joke soon you guys I promise,
This is a poem which whines about my personal problems like you really care,
This is a poem which spilled Coke all over the floor.
This is a poem which is a poem,
This is a poem which makes an allusion to T. S. Eliot,
This is a poem which flutters baby-eyed in a newborn gulch of wind, growing green 
     and bright and strong until one day it explodes in a vapor of pretty colors,
This is a poem which just used shitty lyricism,
This is a poem which Ryan Rader hated three lines in,
This is a poem which Ryan Rader is justified in hating,
This is a poem which I hated three lines in but kept writing anyway,
This is a poem which has three stanzas fifteen lines each if you were wondering,
This is a poem which is obviously deep,
This is a poem which is obviously not deep,
This is a poem which is pure theory,
This is a poem which does not contain music,
This is a poem which has gone on too long,
This is a poem which is really lacking in creativity,
This is a poem which is smug.
This is a poem which is a poem,
This is a poem which is like fire,
This is a poem which is like an avalanche,
This is a poem which oozes clichés and has too many forced dichotomies,
This is a poem which is obviously pretentious,
This is a poem which does not talk about the moon thank you very much,
This is a poem which is bad at intimacy and always has been,
This is a poem which has been done seven hundred times before by better people,
This is a poem which lied to you about the allusion and the dick joke (SORRY),
This is a poem which uses the word fuck three times if you include the title,
This is a poem which wishes it was a sonnet so people would like it more,
This is a poem which I revised a few times but otherwise put little effort into,
This is a poem which wants to hold on to you until we’re dust,
This is a poem which reflects life,
This is a poem which refuses to end on that shitty ending line.

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